Member Benefits
As the only organization in the credit union industry dedicated exclusively to educating, training and providing networking to board chairs, NACUC offers a wide array of resources and services designed to help you:
- Engage in strategic networking with other board leaders at the Chairs' Roundtable Forum – Learn proven strategies from some of the most successful credit unions from around the country during focused, small group discussions.
- Learn the skills you need to build a stronger, more effective board at the Leadership Development Seminar – Held in May, participate in a highly-interactive blend of lecture, group exercises and discussions led by a top board governance expert.
- Access our vast knowledge resources – As a member of NACUC, you’ll have access to comprehensive data on CEO compensation and benefits to help recruit and retain top executive talent, as well as a wide array of strategies and performance data from credit unions nationwide. Conducted biennially, the CEO Compensation & Benefits Report is now available.
- Connect in between meetings and seek ideas and strategies for board-related issues and topics - NACUC Chairs' Listserve is a moderated list designed to provide an email forum for discussion with other credit union board leaders.
Interested in joining, please email, call (888) 987-4247 or apply online using the link below:
Become a Member Today
Any credit union in the U.S. or its territories is eligible to apply for membership in the National Association of Credit Union Chairs (NACUC). Because membership resides with the credit union, all volunteer board members receive special member pricing when they register for the Chairs' Roundtable Forum and Leadership Development Seminar. Annual membership is just $900. If there is a change in board leadership during the year, the membership benefits simply transfer to that individual.